1. What is the purpose of your Famed NZ?

Our website aims to provide a comprehensive collection of biographies of notable individuals from New Zealand, highlighting their achievements, contributions, and impact on society.

2. How are the biographies on your site curated?

Our team of researchers and writers meticulously research and compile information on each individual featured on our site. We strive to present accurate and engaging biographies based on reputable sources.

3. Can I suggest a biography to be added to your site?

Yes, we welcome suggestions for new biographies. Please contact us with the name of the individual and any relevant information or sources you have about them.

4. Are the biographies on your site updated regularly?

We make every effort to keep our biographies up-to-date with the latest information available. However, please note that some biographies may not be regularly updated due to the nature of historical figures.

5. Can I use the information from your site for academic or research purposes?

While the information on our site is for informational purposes, we encourage academic and research use. However, we recommend citing the original source and verifying the information independently.

6. Are there any fees for accessing biographies on your site?

No, our site is free to access for all users. You can browse and read the biographies on our site without any cost.

7. How can I contact your Famed for inquiries or feedback?

You can reach out to us through the contact form provided on our website. We welcome any inquiries, feedback, or suggestions you may have.