Famed Privacy Policy.


Welcome to our website, Famed.co.nz. This page (privacy policy) explains how we gather, use, and disclose the personal information of our readers and visitors.

We have put in measures to help protect your privacy and ensure the security of your data. By using our website, you agree and consent to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

What do we Collect:

Immediately you enter any of our web pages, there is various information we can collect. They include:

(i) Personal Information: This includes details such as your name, email address, and other contact information you provide when filling out forms (provided online) or contacting us.

(ii) Analytical Information: We may collect data such as your browser type, IP address, device information, and usage patterns on our website through cookies and similar technologies.

(iii) Third-Party Information: We may receive information from third-party services, such as social media platforms when you interact with our content through these channels.

How We Use Your Information:

Information gathered from any of our web pages is used for these purposes:

(i) For providing and improving our site – famed.co.nz – and other services and resources we provide.

(ii) For communicating with you and responding to inquiries through our customer support.

(iii) To establish a personalized experience when communicating with you on our site and deliver content relevant to you.

(iv) It also helps us with data when analyzing website traffic (number of visitors) and user behavior.

Data Security and Retention:

On Famed, we undertake appropriate security measures to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration.

Your information remains on our website for as long as necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes or as required by law.

Information Sharing and Disclosure:

Personal information on our this site may be shared with third-party service providers assisting us in operating our website.

This site may disclose information while responding to legal requests, to protect our rights, and/or to comply with applicable laws.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

Our website may use cookies to boost your experience as you explore our resources, analyze website traffic, and personalize content.

Your browser has settings to manage cookie preferences and/or opt out of any tracking technology.

Third-Party Links:

Famed.co.nz may contain links to third-party websites, resources, or services that we do not control. We will not be held responsible for the privacy practices or content of any third-party sites. 

Ensure to review the privacy policies of any external or third-party sites you visit.

Children’s Privacy:

Famed.co.nz is rated 13 and above. We do not knowingly gather personal information from children. Contact our support, if you believe we have inadvertently collected data from a child.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

It remains our reserved right to update, edit, and modify our pages, including this Privacy Policy. We will notify you once any change is made on this page. 

However, the continued use of our www.famed.co.nz after changes indicates your acceptance of the revised policy.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests about this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us through the channels provided.

Last Updated11 May 2024.