Terms of Use

Terms of Use:

Welcome to our biography site – Famed.co.nz. Accessing and using this site is in agreement to comply with the following Terms of Use:

1. Content: The content on our site, including biographies, articles, images, and other resources, is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide professional advice or opinions. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, but we do not guarantee its completeness or timeliness.

2. Intellectual Property: All content on our site is the intellectual property of our biography site – Famed. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or display any content without our prior written consent.

3. User Conduct: You agree to use our site in a lawful manner and to refrain from posting, transmitting, or sharing any content that is offensive, defamatory, or otherwise harmful. You also agree not to engage in any activities that may disrupt or harm the functionality of our site.

4. External Links: Our site may contain links to third-party websites for additional information or resources. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites.

5. Privacy: We take your privacy seriously and will gather and use your personal information as stated in our Privacy Policy.

6. Changes to Terms: We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms of Use at any time. By continuing to use our site, you agree to be bound by the most current version of the Terms of Use.